
being transformed by the renewing of our mind

Do you sense, deep-down, that there has to be more to life? Are you living the life of freedom and boldness that Jesus said He came to give us?  Do you want to make an outrageous and lasting impact on the world? 

Bringing transformation to our relationships, our families, our communities, our nations starts with the transformation of ourselves through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

My goal with Life-in-all-its-Fullness is to support, encourage and run with you the race set before us; to go all in with God, throwing off everything that hinders. In the midst of all the mess and uncertainty of life, we CAN experience the abundant life that Jesus died to give us. We CAN be at peace when the storms rage around us and have joy regardless of our circumstances; we CAN see miracles and breakthrough and strongholds broken in the name of Jesus.

Battlefield of the mind

When we know the truth it sets us free. Where is the biggest battle for truth is played out? In our own minds and hearts. Taking ground for the Kingdom requires us to face our doubts and fears and choose whose voice we are going to listen to.

Are we accepted? Are we enough? Does God really have our back?

St. Paul's exhortation to be transformed by renewing our minds is more than just symbolic. Research and practice in behavioural psychology has shown that the core beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world impact everything about us; how we think, how we feel and ultimately how we behave. Neuroscientists have discovered that repeated thoughts, words and actions lay down physical pathways in our brain, becoming the physical infrastructure for our habits. We now also know that we can have direct control over these processes.

We flourish when we intentionally align our thinking and our speech with what God says. This anchors our identity as His beloved children, banishing doubt and fear and releasing us to fulfill our eternal purpose on the earth.

Who do you think you are?

Discover the incredible processes at work in your brain, how they respond to your thoughts, words and actions and how to harness your brain's neuroplasticity to bring your thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ. Increase your awareness of your emotional leaks and learn to combat the lies at their root and replace them with God's truth. 

Find out how Life-in-all-its-Fullness started on the About page.